No Buts

Twelve inspiring stories from men who changed their violent or abusive behaviour

Do you know someone who wants to change their violent or abusive behaviour? Is that someone you and do you want help? Or maybe you are on the receiving end of violent or abusive behaviour.

No Buts may help you to identify patterns of behaviour more clearly and help you make well-informed choices about your future.

Young people who read No Buts will gain an understanding of the broad span of behaviour that constitutes family violence and abuse, so that they can be better equipped to recognise and avoid it.

No Buts was compiled by social worker Margaret Chipperfield who, together with many excellent co-facilitators worked for some 11 years with men who had been violent or abusive. This book contains stories by men who successfully changed their behaviour. 


It is a long long journey that never really ends
But learning and growth and the benefits of friends
Make the travel worth it, for when no longer causing pain
And living with that gutful of guilt and bloody shame
One can reach for what is waiting on the very farthest shelf
And find the greatest gift of all, the liking of oneself.

Margaret Chipperfield